National Park and State Park Closures Related to COVID-19

national park covid-19

March 26, 2020

[Photo Credit: IG @danka.peter]

Updated: 4/21/2020

We’re living through a time in which there seems to be more questions than answers–questions about our health, our safety, and even our recreational activities.  For outdoor lovers, quarantine can feel extra quarantine-y.  Social distancing sounds like a codeword for camping to us.  But in looking for information about the status of national parks and state parks, we found the answers to be scattered and hard to track.  Are national parks closed?  Are state parks closed?  Are the closures nation-wide or are they happening on a case by case basis?

To help you adventure responsibly during the coronavirus pandemic, we put together this comprehensive guide to park closures, updates, and resources.  Park statuses that aren’t listed explicitly can be found via one of the links provided below.

Keep your eyes peeled for more blogs from us in the coming days and weeks that will help you scratch your adventure itch responsibly during this strange time.

Are National Parks Closed?

Nationally, not all parks are closed.  This can change if the President declares a national Shelter in Place (SIP) order.  If you do plan to visit an open national park, the NPS recommends adhering to CDC recommendations of social distancing, hand hygiene, and staying home if you are sick.

To find the status of national parks, recreation areas, trails and historic sites near you, use this handy map.  It’ll tell you if you can currently visit the park you have in mind.

aplenglow in rocky mountain national park

What’s About State Parks?

While not all parks are officially closed yet, you should check local resources before heading into the wilderness.  Below is a list of popular outdoor recreation areas and whether they’re open or closed.  (list updated 03.25.2020)


  • National Parks within the state remain open
  • State parks remain mostly open with some closures due to weather conditions, not C19


  • Yosemite is closed until further notice
  • Joshua Tree has closed its visitor centers, campgrounds, and roads to vehicles
  • Cabrillo National Monument is closed until further notice
  • All state parks have closed campgrounds and vehicle access and some remain open for visitors. Here's a list of all of the closed parks in California.
  • (Source)


  • Rocky Mountain National Park is closed
  • All state parks will remain open but visitor centers will restrict public access.


  • Yellowstone National Park is closed 
  • State parks remain open but have closed visitor centers/camp cabins/yurts


  • Yellowstone National Park is closed 
  • Looks like state parks are open but offices are closed


  • National Parks within the state remain open in Oregon
  • All state parks are closed (not including the shore) until May 8th


  • National Parks within the state are closed until further notice in Utah
  • Some state campgrounds and visitor centers closed but most state parks are open
  • Here's a list of which state parks are open


  • National Parks within the state remain open in Washington however there are some road and facility closures for certain parks
  • All state parks are closed until May 4th (unless the "Stay Home Stay Healthy" Order is extended)


  • Yellowstone National Park is closed 
  • State parks remain open but visitor centers, campgrounds, and other facilities are closed

sunset in olympic national park

As strong as the urge can be to pack up and get away from the current madness, it’s crucial that we all respect the closures in effect at our state and national parks.  In order to flatten the curve of the coronavirus pandemic, keep at-risk individuals safe, and restore normalcy as soon as possible, we must act responsibly.  If you’re able to venture outside safely and in accordance with the regulations of your area, take an extra breath of fresh air for those of us who are cooped up at home.

If the park you’re interested in isn’t listed, please tell us in the comments.  And remember you can find up to date national park closures on the NPS website and up to date state park closures by checking your local park’s website.

Stay healthy and keep on trekking!

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TJ Talevich

TJ Talevich said:

Also be aware of your potential impact on local communities:

Eric Stackhouse

Eric Stackhouse said:

Hello, I hope you are all well. Do you have any current information about Michigan state and national parks? Thanks!

Cascade Mountain Tech

Cascade Mountain Tech said:

Great note TJ! You’re 100% correct. As hikers and campers we need to be conscious of the communities near trailheads and national parks. Rules no. 3 and no. 5 in our most recent blog, “Trail Etiquette in the Time of Social Distancing” speak to that. Check out those and other tips for hiking safely during C19 hereL

Cascade Mountain Tech

Cascade Mountain Tech said:

Thanks for the question, Eric! Hope you’re doing well, too. For info on Michigan parks we recommend using the handy interactive map from the National Park Service linked in the article. Just click on Michigan, find the park or rec area you’re interested in and you’ll be able to find alerts and conditions for that specific park. Here’s the link:

Ted Case

Ted Case said:

What is the status of the Pasayten Wilderness in north central Washington? Also, what is the status of the Goat Rocks Wilderness south of Mt. Rainier. Both areas are on the Pacific Crest Trail.

Please note that all national parks in Washington are now closed.

Thank you!

Brian Nordberg

Brian Nordberg said:

This is getting out of date. Utah closed all national parks.

Cascade Mountain Tech

Cascade Mountain Tech said:

Hi Brian,

Thanks for the update! We will work on an updated list of closures shortly!

All the best!

Cascade Mountain Tech

Cascade Mountain Tech said:

Hi Ted,

Looks like all recreation sites at the Pasayten Wilderness which is part of the Okanogan Wenatchee National Forest are closed until further notice. Goat Rocks Wilderness looks to have closed down their recreational sites as well.

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